Keeping Your Body Clean

The Importance Of Recreation In Assisted Living Facilities

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Is it time for your loved one to be moved to an assisted living facility? Even if that is the best option for your aging relative, you may be nervous to make the transition. With the elderly at higher risk for depression, you might worry about the facility’s ability to provide for all their needs. However, you shouldn’t have to worry. Not only will a quality facility make sure to provide the antidepressants and therapy your loved one could need, but they will also provide plenty of recreation.…

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Health Benefits Of Cannabigerol

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Hemp is a plant that belongs to the same family as its psychoactive relative: cannabis. While hemp isn’t psychoactive, it only recently became federally legalized in 2018. Now more people are discovering the fantastic health benefits this plant can offer. Cannabigerol (CBG) is an extract produced by processing the hemp plant. It’s a natural supplement that you can purchase without a prescription. Here are four of the most significant health benefits that CBG has to offer.…

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Staying Active And Healthy During A Quarantine

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Can’t make it to the gym right now? This is not the time to abandon your health and fitness goals; in fact, staying active can help alleviate the anxiety and worry of dealing with a crisis, such as a quarantine. Social isolation can take a toll on your health and wellness, both physically and mentally. Use these tips to maintain an active body and healthy mind during such stressful times.…

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